初次见面用英语怎么说 翻译成日语

admin 2023-07-09 14:00 阅读数 #生活百科

初次见面用英语怎么说 翻译成日语


When meeting someone for the first time, it's important to make a good impression. Using English to introduce yourself can be a little nerve-wracking, but it's a great opportunity to practice your language skills and connect with others. Here are some tips for introducing yourself in English:

1. Start with a greeting: A simple "hello" or "Hi, my name is (your name)" is a good start. Make eye contact and smile to show that you're friendly and approachable.

2. State your purpose: If you're meeting someone in a formal setting, such as a job interview or business meeting, it's important to mention why you're there. A simple "I'm here to discuss the new project" or "I'm interviewing for the position" will do.

3. Share a little about yourself: You don't need to give a full biography, but a brief sentence or two about your background or interests can help break the ice. For example, "I'm from China and enjoy playing basketball" or "I recently graduated from university and love to travel."

4. Ask questions: Conversation is a two-way street, so be sure to ask the other person some questions about themselves. This shows that you're interested in getting to know them and can help keep the conversation flowing. Try asking about their job, hobbies, or where they're from.

5. End with a polite farewell: When it's time to wrap up the conversation, end with a polite goodbye. A simple "Nice to meet you" or "Thank you for your time" will do.

Remember, the key to a successful introduction is to be confident, friendly, and genuine. Don't worry if your English is not perfect - the most important thing is to be yourself and show a willingness to learn. With time and practice, introducing yourself in English will become a breeze.

2、初次见面用英语怎么说 翻译成日语



1. Hello! – こんにちは! (Konnichiwa!)


2. Hi! – やあ!(Yaa!)


3. Nice to meet you! – 初めまして!(Hajimemashite!)


4. How are you? – お元気ですか?(Ogenki desu ka?)


5. Good morning/afternoon/evening – おはようございます!(Ohayou gozaimasu!)/こんにちは!(Konnichiwa!)/こんばんは!(Konbanwa!)




