不用谢用英语怎么说you are welcome

admin 2023-07-04 21:31 阅读数 #生活百科

不用谢用英语怎么说you are welcome


How to Say "You're Welcome" in English

In English, the phrase “you're welcome” is used to respond to someone who has thanked you or expressed gratitude towards you. Although it may seem like a simple phrase, there are actually many ways to say “you're welcome” in English depending on the situation.

Here are some common ways to say "you're welcome":

1. You're welcome - This is the most common and direct way to respond to someone’s thanks.


Person 1: Thank you for helping me with my project.

Person 2: You're welcome.

2. No problem - This is a more casual way to respond to someone’s thanks, and implies that helping was not an inconvenience.


Person 1: Thanks for lending me your book.

Person 2: No problem, anytime.

3. My pleasure - This is a slightly more formal way to say "you're welcome" and implies that you were happy to help.


Person 1: Thank you for taking me to the airport.

Person 2: My pleasure, I'm glad I could help.

4. Anytime - This phrase is often used to indicate that the person is always willing to help.


Person 1: Thank you for helping me move.

Person 2: Anytime, just give me a call.

5. Don't mention it - This phrase is often used to downplay the effort or favor that was done.


Person 1: Thank you for picking up my mail while I was on vacation.

Person 2: Don't mention it, it was no trouble at all.

6. It was nothing - This is similar to “don't mention it”, and also implies that the favor or effort was minimal.


Person 1: Thank you for covering for me at work.

Person 2: It was nothing, happy to help.

In conclusion, there are many ways to say “you're welcome” in English, and each one conveys a slightly different meaning. When responding to someone's gratitude, it's important to choose the right phrase based on the situation and the relationship you have with that person.

2、不用谢用英语怎么说you are welcome

当我们在日常交流中,别人感谢我们时,我们通常会回答“you are welcome”,意为“不用谢”,表示彼此之间的礼貌和谦逊。但是,如果你想要表达更多的诚意和感激之情,该怎样用英语表达呢?


1. My pleasure.(我很乐意。)

这是一种非常常见的表达方式,通常用于表示你非常欣赏别人的感谢,并且觉得这是一件很有价值的事情。比如,如果你帮助别人完成了某项任务,而他对你表示感谢,你可以回答:“My pleasure!”

2. It was nothing.(没什么。)

这是一种非常简单直接的回答方式,通常用于表达谦虚和不想过多强调自己行为的价值,比如,如果你给别人提供了一些小帮助,而对方感谢你,你可以回答:“It was nothing。”

3. Don't mention it.(别提了。)

这是一种比较随意的表达方式,适用于一些比较简单的帮助或者服务。比如,如果你开车送朋友去机场,并且朋友对你说“谢谢”,你可能会回答:“Don't mention it。”

4. You're too kind.(你太客气了。)

这是一种较口语化的表达方式,通常用于表示自己对别人的感谢,并且认为对方过于谦虚或者客气。比如,如果你请客吃饭,而朋友对你表示感谢,你可以回答:“You're too kind.”




