
admin 2023-05-31 19:04 阅读数 #生活百科





1. I would like to tender my resignation.(我想提交我的辞职信。)

2. I have decided to resign.(我已经决定辞职。)

3. I am writing to inform you of my resignation.(我写信是想通知您我要辞职。)


1. I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I will be leaving the company.(我想花一些时间告诉你我要离开公司了。)

2. I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for all the support you have given me over the years.(我只想说再见,并感谢你在这些年里给我的支持。)

3. I wanted to let you know that I will miss working with you, and I wish you all the best in the future.(我想让你知道我会想念和你一起工作的日子,祝你在未来一切顺利。)


1. It has been a pleasure working with all of you.(和你们一起工作真是一段美好的回忆。)

2. I’m sad to leave, but I’m excited for the new opportunities that lie ahead.(非常遗憾离开,但我对未来的机会充满期待。)

3. I’ll always be grateful for the experience and knowledge I gained here.(我将永远感激在这里所获得的经验和知识。)



As an employee, there may be various reasons for you to resign from your current job. It could be because of a better job offer, personal reasons, or dissatisfaction with your current job. Whatever your reason may be, it is essential to write a resignation letter in English to your employer to inform them of your decision.

Here are some tips on how to write a resignation letter in English:

1. Be clear and concise: Start your letter by clearly stating that you are resigning from your position. Provide the date of your last working day and thank your employer for the opportunities you have enjoyed while working with them.

2. Explain your reasons: It is not necessary to go into great detail, but it is helpful to give a brief explanation of why you are leaving. You might mention that you have accepted a new job offer, that you are relocating, or simply that you need to make a change.

3. Express gratitude: Even if you didn't always enjoy your job, it is important to express gratitude for the experience and opportunities you had while working with your current employer. This is especially true if you are leaving on good terms.

4. Offer to help: If possible, offer to help your employer with the transition process. This could include training your replacement, creating a transition plan, or transferring knowledge to other employees.

5. Keep it professional: Remember that this letter will go into your employment file and may be seen by others, so it is important to keep it professional and positive. Avoid negative comments about your employer or co-workers, and focus on the positive aspects of your experience.

Sample resignation letter:

Dear [Manager's Name],

I am writing to inform you that effective [date], I will be resigning from my position as [position] at [company name]. The reason for my resignation is [reason for leaving], which has necessitated my departure.

I have appreciated the experience and the opportunities I have had while working with [company name], and thank you for your support during my time here. I have enjoyed working with the team and appreciate everything we have accomplished together.

In the coming weeks, I will do everything I can to make the transition process as smooth as possible. I am willing to work with my replacement and provide any necessary training.

Thank you again for the opportunities provided during my time here.


[Your Name]


