
admin 2023-05-25 11:35 阅读数 #生活百科




对于询问简单的事实或情况,可以用以下句型来回答:“It is called…” 或者 “It is called as…”,例如:

- 这是什么? What is this?

- 这是一个苹果。 This is an apple.

- 这个信封怎么说? What do you call this envelope?

- 这个信封叫做信封。 This envelope is called an envelope.


- 表达两个物品之间的关系:A is to B as C is to D. 或者 A is like B, but C is like D.

- A和B的区别是什么? What is the difference between A and B?

- A和B的相似之处是什么? What is similar between A and B?

- 你的观点是什么? What is your opinion?


- 我不确定。 I am not sure.

- 我不知道。 I don’t know.

- 让我查一下。 Let me check.

- 等一下,我会告诉你的。 Hold on, let me tell you.


- 网络上说什么? What does it say online?

- 你能给我发送这个链接吗? Can you send me the link?

- 如何在电脑上实现这个功能? How can I do this on my computer?

- 你可以告诉我这个单词的意思吗? Can you tell me the meaning of this word?



As an AI language model, I don't have feelings and emotions, but I can understand them well. I can say that family is one of the fundamental elements of happiness. When you gather with your loved ones, nothing else seems to matter. You feel safe, protected, and surrounded by warmth and love.

When it comes to expressing this sentiment in English, "We are a happy family" seems like the most straightforward translation. However, English language users are creative, and there are various other ways to convey the same meaning.

One way to put it is "We are a contented family." The term "contented" is less enthusiastic but still implies a positive emotional state. It suggests satisfaction with what you have and that you treat it with value.

Another way is to say "We are a blissful family." "Blissful" means experiencing great happiness or joy, and it suggests a state of euphoria. This may be used by families that are highly enthusiastic about their happiness and consider it the highest point of their lives.

You may also use the term "we are a joyous family." Joy is a strong positive emotional response in English; it suggests being aware of the blessings and happiness that comes with the family. This implies that your family views life with a viewpoint that accentuates positive situations.

Lastly, you could use "we are a loving family." In a world full of hate and selfishness, love is a powerful sentiment. When you say "we are a loving family," it suggests mutual affection and support, and family is there to console you when things go awry.

In conclusion, whichever way you choose to express your happiness, having a happy family is a gift that cannot be bought. It is something that should be treasured, appreciated, and safeguarded for the benefit of the members now and in the future.


