
admin 2023-05-20 08:35 阅读数 #生活百科




我们可以用“speak English very well”来表达。其中的well表示流利、熟练的意思。我们可以说:“She speaks English very well.”意思是她英语说得非常流利。

我们还可以用“fluent in English”来表达。这个短语表示“在英语方面流利”的意思。我们可以说:“He is fluent in English.”这个人在英语方面非常流利。

此外,我们还可以使用“have a good command of English”来表达“英语掌握得很好”的意思。其中的command表示掌握、掌握能力。我们可以说:“She has a good command of English.”她英语掌握得很好。

我们也可以使用“proficient in English”的表达方式。Proficient表示在某个领域或技能方面熟练的意思,我们可以说:“He is proficient in English.”他在英语方面非常熟练。

在表达“英语说的很好”时,我们可以使用不同的表达方式,比如说“speak English very well”和“fluent in English”等等。不过,选用不同的表达方式还要视情况而定,需要根据具体的语境和表达需要进行选择。


Speaking English well and writing it well are two different skills, and mastering both can make you even more proficient in the English language. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and tricks for writing in English, even if you speak it fluently.

Firstly, it’s important to have a sound foundation in the basics of English. Writing requires a different level of precision than speaking does, and knowing the fundamental rules of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure is essential to effectively communicate your ideas in writing. There are many resources available to help with this, from traditional grammar textbooks to online grammar-checking services.

Secondly, it’s helpful to read widely to improve your writing skills. In addition to providing inspiration, reading different types of text can help you understand how successful writers use language to convey their ideas. This can include books, articles, blogs, or even social media posts. Pay attention to the writer's style and structure, and make note of any phrases or expressions that you find particularly impressive or effective.

Thirdly, practice is key, just like with any other skill. Set aside time specifically for writing, and practice regularly. Start small by setting a goal to write just a few sentences or paragraphs each day, gradually increasing the length of your writing as you become more comfortable. Also, consider keeping a journal or blog to document your progress and get feedback from others.

Finally, seek out feedback from others, which can provide valuable insight into how you can improve your writing skills. You can ask friends who speak English as their first language to review your work, or you can find online writing groups to share your work with. Take their feedback seriously, and use it to improve your writing style and grammar.

In conclusion, if you can speak English fluently, you already have a significant advantage when it comes to writing in English. However, with some practice and a focus on the basics of grammar, punctuation, and structure, you can become an even more proficient writer. So, take the time to read and write regularly, seek out feedback from others, and don't be discouraged by setbacks. With enough practice and persistence, you can become a skilled writer in English.


