
admin 2023-06-22 15:30 阅读数 #趣味分享



1. Husband


例如:“My husband is a doctor.”(我的老公是个医生。)

2. Hubby


例如:“I’m going shopping with my hubby.”(我要去和我老公逛街。)

3. Spouse

“Spouse” 是“配偶”的意思,可以用来泛指丈夫或妻子。这个词可以用于正式场合或口语中。

例如:“I invited both spouses to the party.” (我邀请了双方的配偶参加晚会。)

4. Partner


例如:“My partner and I run a small business together.”(我和我的伴侣经营一家小企业。)

5. Boyfriend

“Boyfriend” 指男朋友。通常用于未婚男女之间。

例如:“My boyfriend gave me a bouquet of flowers.”(我的男朋友送了我一束花。)




How to Say Goodnight to your Dear Husband in English

As a loving wife, it's always important to end your day with a sweet goodnight message to your dear husband. Saying “goodnight” or "sweet dreams" is a simple yet effective way to show your love and care for him. Here are some of the most common and heartfelt ways to say goodnight to your husband in English.

1. “Goodnight, my love. Sweet dreams.”

This classic phrase is perfect for couples who are deeply in love. It's simple, romantic, and it guarantees a peaceful night's sleep for both of you.

2. “Sleep tight, my darling. I cannot wait to wake up next to you tomorrow.”

This message is perfect for couples in long-distance relationships who are always away from each other. It shows that even though you're physically apart, your love and thoughts are with him every night.

3. “Goodnight, my forever partner. I’m so grateful for another day with you.”

This message is perfect for couples who have been together for a long time. It demonstrates the appreciation for the marriage or partnership and the love that continues to grow and flourish.

4. “Sweet dreams, my handsome man. I feel so lucky to call you my husband.”

This message is perfect for couples who want to add a touch of gratitude to their goodnight wishes. It is a great way to show appreciation for your partner and the commitment they have made to your love.

5. “Goodnight, my prince charming. I love you more than words can say.”

This message is perfect for couples who want to add some fairytale romance to their goodnight routine. It's a way to express your undying love for your husband and make him feel like he is the prince who has saved the princess.

In conclusion, saying goodnight to your dear husband in English can be a sweet and romantic way to show him how much you care before going to bed. Whether you choose a classic phrase or something more personalized, make sure it comes from the heart, and it'll always be appreciated.


