
admin 2023-06-09 19:03 阅读数 #趣味分享




对于一些简单而常用的表达方式,我们需要做到背得滚瓜烂熟。例如,“你好”可以说“Hello”,“谢谢”可以说“Thank you”,“再见”可以说“Goodbye”。这些简单而常见的表达方式是我们日常交流中最常用到的,背诵这些表达方式可以帮助我们更加流利地表达自己。

我们应该学习一些常用的英语短语。例如,“不客气”的英文表达是“You’re welcome”,“让我想想”可以说“Let me think about it”,“有问题吗?”可以说“Do you have any questions?”。这些短语表达方式在日常交流中也是十分常见的,学习这些短语不仅可以帮助我们更加流利地表达自己,还可以更好地理解他人的表达方式。

除此之外,我们还需要学习一些常用的口语表达方式。例如,“无所谓”可以说“It doesn’t matter”,“我不知道”可以说“I have no idea”,“别担心”可以说“Don’t worry”。这些口语表达方式在日常交流中也是十分常见的,熟练掌握这些表达方式可以帮助我们更加贴近当地人的生活,更好地与其交流。



Time flies

The passage of time is something that we all experience, and it can be difficult to put into words just how quickly it seems to move. One common phrase to express this feeling is "time flies", which reflects the idea that time passes quickly and that we may not even realize how much time has passed until after the fact.

When we use the phrase "time flies", we're often expressing surprise or disbelief at how quickly an event or period of time has passed. For example, we might say "Wow, it feels like we just started this year, but it's already almost over! Time really flies." Or, we might use the phrase to describe the feeling of being busy or occupied with something: "I've been so busy with work that time just seems to fly by. I can hardly believe it's already Friday."

There are a number of factors that can contribute to our sense that time is passing quickly. Some of these may include our overall mental and emotional state, our level of engagement with the world around us, and our perceptions of our own personal growth and progress. For example, if we feel like we're constantly putting out fires and reacting to crises, it can be difficult to feel like we're actually moving forward in our lives, which can make time seem to pass more quickly.

Regardless of the reasons behind our perceptions of time, the fact remains that it's a limited resource that we can never get back once it's gone. That's why it's important to make the most of the time we have, whether we're working towards personal goals, spending time with loved ones, or simply enjoying the present moment. By using our time wisely and intentionally, we can make the most of the fleeting moments we have, even if it feels like time is flying by all too quickly.


