
admin 2023-09-05 11:00 阅读数 #趣味分享



滑雪用英语是skiing,意为“滑雪”,这是滑雪的基本词汇。在许多滑雪旅游的国家,滑雪场是必不可少的旅游景点,它们被称为ski resorts。一些国家也会有专门的室内滑雪场,称为indoor ski slopes。

如果你是滑雪的初学者,在最开始的时候会需要一些基本的滑雪装备,比如滑雪板和滑雪杆。滑雪板在英文中被称为skis,滑雪杆则是ski poles。除此之外,滑雪鞋也是非常重要的,它被称为ski boots。

当你来到滑雪场后,你可以看到许多人穿着色彩鲜艳的滑雪服,这些服装主要是为了让人在寒冷的气候中有足够的保暖和防风能力。在英文中,这些服装统称为ski wear或者ski clothing。

如果你是第一次滑雪,那么你可能需要找到一位专业的滑雪教练来进行指导。在英语中,滑雪教练被称为ski instructor。选择一个经验丰富的滑雪教练对你的滑雪过程会有很大的帮助。

除此之外,在滑雪的过程中,可能还会经常用到一些专业术语,比如ski lift(缆车)、ski slope(滑雪道)、snowboard(单板滑雪)等等。这些词汇的掌握将有利于你更好地了解滑雪的相关知识。




Winter is here and with it comes the opportunity to hit the slopes for some skiing or snowboarding. If you are traveling to a place where English is the main language, it's important to know some key phrases to help you communicate while on your winter sports adventure.

Firstly, you'll need to know the name of the place where you will be skiing or snowboarding. This is known as a ski resort or a ski area. You can ask, "Where is the nearest ski resort?" or "Do you know of any good ski areas around here?"

Once you arrive at the resort, you'll need to purchase a lift ticket to get up the mountain. You can ask, "How much is a lift ticket?" or "Where can I buy a lift ticket?" Some resorts may also offer ski or snowboard rentals, so you may want to ask, "Do you have equipment rentals available?"

When you are ready to hit the slopes, you may want to ask, "Which way do I go to get to the beginner/intermediate/advanced slopes?" You can also ask about any ski or snowboard lessons that may be available: "Do you offer group or private lessons?" It's important to start on a slope that matches your skill level so that you can enjoy the experience and stay safe.

While on the slopes, you may need to communicate with other skiers or snowboarders. It's important to use the correct ski lingo to avoid confusion or accidents. Some common phrases include "On your left/right" to indicate passing someone, "I'm going down" to signal that you are about to start your descent, or "Fall line" to describe the direct path down the slope.

Lastly, don't forget about safety on the mountain. If you need help or see someone who may need assistance, you can yell "Help!" or "Ski patrol!". And always remember to wear a helmet and follow the rules of the resort to ensure a fun and safe winter sports experience.

In conclusion, skiing and snowboarding in English-speaking countries can be an exciting and rewarding experience. By learning a few key phrases, you can communicate effectively and stay safe on the mountain. So get out there and enjoy the snow!


